Arrange your whimsical manor and adapt to the demands
of the strangest guests in the crossworld.

An evolving simultaneous family card game!

8 centuries
or more

play time

20 minutes

1 to 4


Justine Vanhuffel
& Louis Blaise


BIZARRE MANOR is a tile placement card game where you all play at the same time.

Prestigious monsters and ghouls have responded to your invitation. They are happy to come visit you but have some very strange requirements. Arrange your manor as best you can with your cards so that they come to your manor… and not the neighbour’s.

Grand Manor mode asks you to work together to design one big manor.
Host grand receptions and pay attention to the feedbacks. You may find access to the famous blacklist of the most demanding guests.

Bizarre Manor
competitive &

2-4 players


Grand Manor
cooperative &
solo mode
1-3 players


Grand receptions
unlock the most
demanding guests


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